Alpha M Grooming


“Grooming for the Modern Gentleman”

Hair/Hairstyle, Facial Hair, Body Hair and 22 Original Image Enhancing Articles

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Disc 1: Hair/Hairstyle

Exclusively focuses on your hair and hairstyle. With over 15 videos, articles and new-style photo galleries, we will help you analyze your current style and hair care regime and if needed, help you select a new style or take better care of the hair you have. We also discuss options and treatments for men who suffer from light male pattern baldness to more substantial hair loss. Galleries are broken down into 6 distinct categories: Black, White, Middle Eastern, Asian, Latin and special category for the bald and the beautiful, providing the most comprehensive and practical advice on the market.

Disc 2: Facial Hair

Helping you navigate the do’s and don’t of wearing facial hair. We take look at various facial hairstyles, grooming protocols for your facial fuzz and provide an extensive photo gallery broken down by style. Facial hair can add interest and dimension to your face, but unruly or out of control facial hair can make you look lazy and a bit sloppy. Here we will also discuss men’s eyebrows and show you how to manage those as well.

Disc 3: Body Hair

Manscaping: (mân’ skãp’) VERB: The act of managing your superflous fur. Disc three talks in great about managing all of the hair on your body below your neck.

Disc 4: 22 Original Image Enhancing Articles

Covering crucial topics such as: Hair styling products, sensible shaving tips, hair loss treatments, bad breath, hair removal options, simple self manicure, natural acne treatment, minimizing perspiration, improve your smile, simple skin care strategies, foot care, shampoos and conditioners, dealing with gray hair and many more!


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